UNSOED Conferences, International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) 2020

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The Perfect Hero: New Order Moral Superiority in 1976 Indonesian Science Fiction
Aldi Aditya

Last modified: 2020-10-19


This study draws on the field of Science Fiction and examines Indonesian hero in Jatuh ke Matahari (1976) by Djokolelono, which situates its narrative in futuristic, modern, and technologically advanced world, identified by space odyssey, terraforming, and mad scientist tropes. The novel is a part of moral superiority discourse of New Order era. It places Indonesian heroism not only in modernity, but also in morality to contest it with science superiority of flawed, immoral Western heroism. In representing the contradiction of Indonesian and Western hero, it is suggested that the novel offers speculation about modernity and progress from New Order’s moral perspective.


Djokolelono, modernity, morality, New Order, science fiction