UNSOED Conferences, International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) 2020

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You Were Victim : Depiction of Villain in Kamen Rider Drive (2014)
Daniel Hermawan

Last modified: 2020-09-28


The purpose of this study is to present the issue of minorities in children television series Kamen Rider Drive. Through the cultural study approach this paper will discuss how minorities being represented by antagonist character, Roimudde. This study had two aims (i) how does the Roimudde representing the minorities in Japanese society. (ii) how the Character Heart and Medic represent that minorities were victims of society. Through content analysis of Children television series Kamen Rider Drive we found that the Roimudde was a different race from human that represent the minorities, while Heart and Medic have painful memories in the past made them have grudge toward humanity. This is also mean that this film was recognizing the minorities as the victim of prejudice by society. It is necessary to throw all prejudice to other people just because of physical or race difference. To enter transnational society without prejudice.


Minorities, Homogenous, Japanese Society