UNSOED Conferences, International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) 2020

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Superhero Character in Drama Wayang Wong as Children’s Character Education
Farida Nuryantiningsih

Last modified: 2020-10-19


Wayang wong or wayang orang is one of Javanese traditional dance drama. Wayang wong combines drama and wayang performances. This art initially grew and developed especially in the palace environment and among the Javanese priyayi. The story in wayang wong originates from the Mahabarata and Ramayana stories. Wayang wong is one of the products of Javanese culture which is a condition with Javanese philosophy as a local wisdom that is useful for building the character depicted through the character of its characters. Therefore, wayang wong is a good character education tool through staging. Many stories in the wayang wong performance give examples of life through the characters of each character. All the characters have characters that originate from the personality of the Javanese community, so it is very appropriate to be used as a medium for children's character education. Therefore, one way to build character in children by instilling the values ​​of local wisdom is to introduce puppet figures such as Gatotkaca, Srikandi, Arjuna, and so on. This is because in these wayang figures, noble values ​​include the nature of compassion, forgiveness, patience, responsibility, and love to help. Of the many figures in the wayang wong performance, the figures chosen in this article are Pandavas. This is because in addition to the Pandava figures are well known by the public as the protagonist, many Pandavas have characters that deserve to be an example in character education in schools. The nature of compassion, forgiveness, patience, responsibility, love to help and other good qualities, all exist in the Pandavas. This article is very interesting because by introducing the Pandawa puppet characters through wayang wong performances, it is hoped that children from Javanese ethnic have good character which are sourced from local culture. This is very important because by getting to know puppet figures, children have been taught to love and preserve the nation's culture.