UNSOED Conferences, International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) 2020

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Superheroes In The Development Of Indonesian Prurilingualism Culture On Industry 4.0
Monika Herliana

Last modified: 2020-05-26




There are inspirational values, struggle, courage, and toughness in the word superhero as a meritorious figure, which one of them is in the development of the  prurilingualism culture. Of course, the term of superhero is addressed to the famous   persona that often involves aspects of politics and power as part of efforts to maintain and drown the existence of other languages. However, originating from this terminology itself refers to the ability of person who has competence in more than one language to switch between multiple language spoken depending on the situation of  communication such as on Indonesian language mapping with the diversity of regional languages, the unity of the national language, and the multiplicity of foreign languages. In addition, the globalization of industry 4.0 that happens recently has a role in generally language constellation, and especially in Indonesia. Based on this study, the problematic raised in this research is who and how the super-patriot idealism in the development of Indonesian prurilingualism culture across language confrontation phenomenon as a result of industry 4.0., and the aim of this to describe the ideal superhero in this vision. Eventually, descriptive analytic method is applied in order to declare and analyze this aspects.

Keywords: constellation, development, industry 4.0, prurilingualism, and superhero


constellation, development, industry 4.0, prurilingualism, and superhero