UNSOED Conferences, International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) 2020

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Thunder as The Superheroes Power on Gundala, The Flash, Black Lightning, Shazam and Thor Action Figures : Semiotic Approach
Dini Anggraheni, Mustasyfa Thabib Kariadi, Testiana Deni Wijayatiningsih

Last modified: 2020-10-23


Superheroes were born from the problems that people face daily. No book that explores the definition of superheroes can be considered complete without the opinions of people who create superheroes and their stories. Superhero writers and creators were made the action figures from their imaginations, how they think about the role of context, super power, costume, culture and also how superheroes are shaped by their villains. Thunder become the most popular super power that superheroes had and also seen on their costumes. They are able to knock down their supervillans with the power of thunder. The purpose of this study is to identify the real meaning of thunder symbol on semiotic approach. Data were collected using qualitative method, with in depth observation through comics and films of Gundala, The Falsh, Black Lightning, Shazam and Thor. The result exposes that thunder is a powerful symbol throughout history, and has appeared in many mytologies especially on superheroes stories. To sump up, semiotic approach is momentous to reveal a real meaning of symbol or sign in order to build communicative perspective.


Superheroes, Thunder, Symbol, Semiotic, Super power