UNSOED Conferences, International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) 2020

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The Character Rusdi as A Superhero Reflected in the Book “Rusdi jeung Misnem” Written By A.C Deenik & R.Djajadiredja: An Ethno-Linguistics Study
Nani - Sunarni, Idah - Hamidah

Last modified: 2020-10-19


ABSTRACT   This study focuses on a text analysis containing the behaviours and attitudes of a Sundanese character named Rusdi.  The character’s behaviours and attitudes reflect heroism as the identity of a Sundanese who strongly uphold the Sundanese cultural philosophical concepts, including cageur ’healthy’, bageur ‘nice’, bener ‘good’, pinter ‘smart’, jujur ‘honest’, akur ‘friendly’ , and singer ‘skilful’. The data used in this study was in the form of texts containing elements reflecting Sundanese cultural philosophy. The data was collected from the data sources in the form of learning materials entitled Roesdi  jeung Misnem written by A.C Deenik & R.Djajadiredja published during the Dutch colonialism era. The data was then analysed using an ethno-linguistics approach based on Rilley’s points of view (2000). Based on the result of analysis, it was found that the heroism attitudes of Rusdi as a Sundanese character were identified in the form of language including words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The result of this study is theoretically beneficial to be utilized as a reference related to heroism as the identity of Sundanese people and practically may be utilized as a learning material, especially on Sundanese cultural character building.


identity, heroism, Rusdi, Sundanese cultural concept