UNSOED Conferences, “4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”

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Perception and Readiness of Nursing Lecturers on Interprofessional Education in Nursing Education during the Pandemic
Nunung Siti Sukaesih, Popi Sopiah, Sri Wulan Lindasari, Emi Lindayani, Hikmat Pramajati

Last modified: 2021-09-06


Perception and Readiness of Nursing Lecturers on Interprofessional Education in Nursing Education during the Pandemic


Nunung Siti Sukaesih1*, Popi Sopiah1, Sri Wulan Lindasari1, Emi Lindayanti1,  Hikmat Pramajati1, Irawan Danismaya2, Burdahyat3

1Prodi Keperawatan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

2Prodi Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi, Indonesia

3Prodi Keperawatan STIK Sebelas April Sumedang, Indonesia


Corresponding Author : Nunung Siti Sukaesih (nunungss@upi.edu)


Background. Interprofessional Education (IPE) has received increasing attention in the last ten years, this is because patients need better health services, and health problems that arise are increasingly complex. The Interprofessional team consists of professionals from various health sciences who have specific or specific knowledge, attitudes, skills and abilities and have specific goals based on the patient's health care needs. The fact, not all of these health workers received good enough IPE education when they went to school. They come from various scientific backgrounds so that they have different principles and educational programs, as well as the ability to work together in different teams. In this study, researchers will examine the readiness and perceptions of lecturers in nursing and medical study programs regarding IPE. Researchers feel this is important for several reasons. First, there are still many nursing education institutions that have not implemented IPE in the curriculum, this is different from medical education which has already developed IPE in its curriculum. Second, there is no formal socialization regarding IPE to lecturers of the nursing study program. The third IPE can be carried out if there are 2 or more health students who have equal knowledge and abilities of IPE and the fourth is how is the implementation of IPE in clinical education during the covid 19 pandemics? Because during a pandemic, clinical education still cannot be done, while IPE skills should be maximized when students practice in the clinic.

Aims. This study aims to explore more deeply the perceptions and readiness of nursing lecturers regarding the implementation of IPE in nursing education.

Method. This research uses mixed-method research with a concurrent triangulation strategy by collecting quantitative and qualitative data concurrently (at one time), then comparing these two data to find out whether there are differences or some combination with as many participants as possible. which involves nursing lecturers.

Result. The results showed that almost all respondents had a good perception of IPE but only some respondents were ready with the implementation of IPE


Keywords: readiness, nursing, medicine, Interprofessional Education (IPE)