UNSOED Conferences, “4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”

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The Method of Region Superior Sports Determining
Ngadiman Ngadiman, Rifqi Festiawan, Bayu Suko Wahono, Fuad Noor Heza, Ajeng Dian Purnamasari, Indra Jati Kusuma

Last modified: 2021-09-06


The National Sport System states that district governments are required to manage at least one leading sport branch with national or international level, therefore the regional superior sports development system is a very strategic approach. The purpose of this study is to determine the superior sports areas that prioritize the potential of the region. While the innovative special target of this research is to determine the superior sport as a priority sports development achievement through a development strategy based on local wisdom. This study used an observational design with a field survey approach. The source of data comes from all the stewardship of sports branches in the area of ​​Cilacap regency, Central Java. The variables of this research include the elements of sports performance development that is; trainers, clubs, training, infrastructure, competition, championship, training centers, science and technology, information systems, funding, awards, environment and culture. The results showed that the top five leading sports in the area of Cilacap regency were; (82), archery (76), sepak takraw (52), pencak silat (32), and swimming (25).