UNSOED Conferences, “4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”

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The Effect of Social Skill Training and Family Psychoeducation on Schizophrenic Clients with Social Isolation in Psychiatric Hospital
Wahyudi Mulyaningrat, Budi Anna Keliat, Giur Hargiana

Last modified: 2021-09-06


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that requires long-term and quality care. Schizophrenia raises negative symptoms, one of which is the problem of social isolation. Social isolation nursing problems experienced by schizophrenic clients have an impact on individuals, families and communities. This study aims to determine the effect of social skills training and family psychoeducation on schizophrenic clients with social isolation. The research design uses operational research with 41 clients as respondents. Univariate analysis used frequency distribution and central tendency, while bivariate analysis used wilcoxon and spearman. This study shows the results that social skills training and family psychoeducation have a significant effect in reducing the client's symptoms and increasing the client's and family's ability to socialize (p_value 0.000). An increase in the client's ability is strongly associated with a decrease in symptoms (p_value 0.000 and r -0.651). The increase in the client's ability is related to moderate strength with family ability (p_value 0.002 and r 0.473). The combination of nursing actions on schizophrenic clients with social isolation with the target of clients and families can help overcome socialization problems for clients.