UNSOED Conferences, “4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”

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Literature Review: Effects of Sensory Integration Therapy Against Motor Ability in Children with Intellectual Disabilities
Aulia Rahmayanti, Dian Ramawati, Haryatiningsih Purwandari

Last modified: 2021-09-06


Background: Children with intellectual disabilities often have difficulty in carrying out daily activities that can make it difficult to achieve independence in the future. One of the problems that arise is the weakness of motor function. Sensory integration therapy interventions can be given to improve the motor skills of intellectual disabilities children.

Objective: To systematically assess the quality of articles and synthesize articles related to the effectiveness of sensory integration therapy interventions to improve motor skills of children with intellectual disabilities.

Methods: Search articles using databases of Google Scholar, Science Direct, Pubmed, National Library, and ProQuest. Search articles used are the last 5 years.

Results: Based on 3 articles obtained related to sensory integration therapy, 2 of them can affect the improvement of motor skills in intellectual disabilities children compared to before therapy.

Conclusion: Sensory integration therapy is one type of intervention that can be done to improve motor skills in intellectual disabilities children.

Keyword: Sensory Integration Therapy, motoric, intellectual disabilities