UNSOED Conferences, “4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”

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Nursing Students' Clinical Practice Experience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study
Dian Susmarini, Made Sumarwati, Fitria Handayani, Asep Iskandar

Last modified: 2021-09-10


Background. The Covid-19 pandemic is putting clinical practice in all nursing schools to the challenge. While students should be cautious of infection, they still need to practise in a hospital setting.

Aim. The purpose of this study is to gain insight into students' clinical experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Method. This study employed a qualitative methodology and a phenomenological approach. A purposive sampling technique was used to recruit seven clinical nursing students. We conducted semi-structured interviews until the data was saturated.

Results. Six major themes emerged from students' clinical practise experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic: psychologic response, clinical practise challenge, inadequate clinical competence, financial burden, self-management, and perception of Covid-19.

Conclusion. The nursing school must address the difficulties students perceive, as clinical practice learning will almost certainly change in the following years due to the epidemic.