UNSOED Conferences, “4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”

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Effectiveness of Interactive Multimedia Supported Physical Education Using Jurus Tunggal Tangan Kosong In the New Normal Era
Muhsana El Cintami Lanos, Hikmah Lestari, Siti Ayu Risma Putri, Bayu Iswana, Ardo Okilanda, Dede Dwiansyah, Rifqi Festiawan

Last modified: 2021-09-10


Background: The government has taken a policy for the implementation of education from elementary to tertiary level to be carried out online, so the role of technology in education is very important. Physical learning during the Covid-19 epidemic requires creativity and innovation by taking advantage of technological advances. Several previous studies gave information that interactive multimedia has changed the learning environment, such as physical education. The results of preliminary observations at secondary schools in Palembang City, physical education was included in sports activities often saturated students. Moreover, physical education which is carried out through jurus tunggal tangan kosong activity as part of the pencak silat movement is very saturating if studied conventionally

Purpose: This study was to get the effectiveness of interactive multimedia using jurus tunggal tangan kosong that it supported physical education.

Methods: The method of study used an experimental approach using one-group pretest-posttest design experimental. A one-group pretest-posttest design is a research method used to determine the behaviour of a group by giving the effect of treatment on the sample. The feature of this method is that it gives the same treatment to two groups


Results: The result of the N-gain score shows that the N-gain score means for the experimental class is 93.75% and is included in the "high" category, with a minimum score of 72.92% and a maximum N-gain score of 100%. Meanwhile, the N-gain score for the control class was 66.67% and is included in the "medium" category, with a minimum score of 20.83% and a maximum N-gain score of 100%. Thus, it can be concluded that jurus tunggal tangan kosong moves using interactive multimedia has a positive effect on students in physical activity and is more meaningful than learning that is not supported by the use of technology such as multimedia.

Conclusion: The use of interactive multimedia learning contributes to jurus tunggal tangan kosong learning activities, among others, the presentation of teaching material becomes more attractive, learning activities are more interesting, learning activities can be more interactive, the time needed in learning is more effective, the quality of learning can be improved, learning can be done anytime and anywhere as you wish

Keywords: Jurus Tunggal Tangan Kosong, Interactive Multimedia, Era New Normal, Physical Activity