UNSOED Conferences, “4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”

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Relationship Anxiety with Medication Compliance on Hypertension Sufferers in the region of clinics Pampang Makassar
Wa Ode Sri Asnaniar, Haeril Amir, Andi Nur Alim Jainuddin

Last modified: 2021-09-23


Hypertension is one of the diseases included in the list of the top 10 diseases in Clinics Pampang Makassar. Interviews with health workers in Clinics Pampang Makassar show that still prefers the population with hypertension sufferers who are not obedient toward her treatment.  This research aims to find out whether or not there is a relationship of anxiety with medication compliance on hypertension sufferers in the region of clinics Pampang Makassar.

This research is a type of analytic survey research with cross sectional study approach. The research was conducted using a questionnaire by researchers. Sample research totalling 65 respondents who meet the inclusion criteria by using purposive sampling technique of sampling. Data analysis is the analysis of bivariat. Relationship test is performed using chi-square test with significance level α < 0.05.

The results showed that there is a relationship between anxiety with medication compliance on hypertension sufferers in the region of clinics Pampang Makassar (p = 0,009).

The conclusion from this study is there is a relationship between anxiety with medication compliance on hypertension sufferers in the region of clinics Pampang Makassar. It is recommended that the family plays a role in monitoring compliance with medication on a family member who is suffering from hypertension and related institutions doing counseling to improve patient knowledge primarily about compliance with the treatment in people with hypertension.

Keywords: Hypertension, Anxiety, Medication Compliance