UNSOED Conferences, The 3rd International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture For Rural Development (3rd ICSARD)

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Technical Efficiency of Potato Farming with Data Envelopment Analysis in Karangreja District, Purbalingga Regency
Dindy Darmawati Putri

Last modified: 2023-02-16


Potato farming has a contribution in improving the welfare of potato farmers in Karangreja District. However, a high amount of production does not guarantee farmers get high profits as well. The level of income obtained by farmers depends on the level of production achieved in managing their farm with the support of the application of farming technology and the price received in the sale of their production. This study aims to analyze the technical efficiency of potato farming in Karangreja District. The sampling method is purposive. The method of analysis uses data envelopment analysis. The results showed that the average efficiency of farming reached 0.8 which means it is in the fairly high category, and there are 40% efficient farmers.