UNSOED Conferences, The 3rd International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture For Rural Development (3rd ICSARD)

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Study on Sulphur, Organic-C and Nitrogen Nutrient Content of Rice Field Soil for Rice Fertilization Recommendations in the Serayu Hilir Sub Watershed Area in Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency
Purwandaru Widyasunu, Muhammad Rif’an, Prasmaji Sulistyanto, Ahadiyat Yugi Rahayu, Maria F M Panjaitan, Makna Piningit

Last modified: 2023-02-16


This study aims to: (i) determine the distribution of Sulfur, C-Organic and Nitrogen nutrients in the rice fields, (ii) know the relationship between Sulfur, Organic-C and Nitrogen soil with rice fields; and, (iii) find out recommendations for giving organic fertilizers for rice crop in the downstream Serayu sub-watershed Kesugihan District, Cilacap. This research was conducted in December-July 2020 with a survey method at a semi-detailed level of accuracy with a scale of 1:50,000. Determination of the sample point is based on the Homogeneous Land Unit Map (SLH) which is made by overlaying the map, namely the Administration Map, Land Use Map, Slope Slope Map and Soil Type Map in Kesugihan District. The results showed that the average soil pH was neutral, the electrical conductivity was very low, the average redox potential was in the moderately reduced class, the C-organic content was very low (0.02-0.18 %), available sulfur content is available low (21-46 ppm). Distribution of total nitrogen nutrients in the soil had a tendency increasing with increasing soil depth, nutrient uptake of soil nitrogen is low in plants so that the yield of lowland rice plant, N uptake by rice plants is affected by total soil nitrogen by 1.75%, yield per rice plants were affected by 3.44% by nitrogen uptake, total soil-N  affected 3.25% of rice crop yields. Fertilization recommendation to increase sulfur nutrients in Kesugihan with ZA fertilizer is 63.68 kg ZA/ha; whilst, to increase soil C-Organic in Kesugihan District with manure of 7-8 tons/ha.