UNSOED Conferences, The 3rd International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture For Rural Development (3rd ICSARD)

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Partnership in North Sulawesi Global Value Chain of Desiccated Coconut
Lorraine Theodora Sondak

Last modified: 2023-02-16


Introduction : Partnerships in global value chains are critical to assisting businesses, increasing partner group resources, and expanding business scale in order to increase income and prosperity. Coconut farmers as desiccated coconut industry partners to produce quality and sustainable raw materials for the production of globally competitive desiccated coconut products. The issue is that North Sulawesi's coconut farmers low bargaining position, and low knowledge of market networks, making it easier for farmers to develop their farming activities, so cooperation or cooperation is required. Farmers and industry must work together as partnership to find a win-win solution.

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate (1) the implementation of partnerships between the desiccated coconut industry and coconut farmers, (2) the pattern of partnerships between coconut farmers and the desiccated coconut industry, and (3) the benefits of partnerships, particularly in terms of coconut farmers' income (partners and non-partners).

The stages of the research are as follows: (1) determining the location and research respondents, namely farmers and the desiccated coconut industry; and collecting data (120 farmers, four coconut flour exporting companies: Leaders and Managers,) (2) developing and testing research instruments, (3) data collection through simple random sampling methods (farmers), purposive sampling (company leaders and managers), and expert surveys (Head and Head of Export-Import Section of the Industry and Trade Office of North Sulawesi Province, Desiccated Coconut Exporting Companies, Academics, Association of North Sulawesi Coconut Farmers, Coconut Community International); (4) data tabulation, (5) data analysis, namely AHP analysis and farm income analysis.

Findings:1) It is assumed that the most effective and efficient partnership pattern between farmers and companies a sustainable partnership pattern that benefits both parties. (2) It is expected that the partnership will increase farmers' income.

Originality/Value/Implications: This study will result in a partnership pattern between farmers and desiccated coconut exporting companies in North Sulawesi.This partnership relationship is intended to benefit both parties (farmers and industry) and improve value chain performance. Because partnership is one strategy for improving value chain performance.


Keywords: partnership , global value chain, desiccated coconut