UNSOED Conferences, The 3rd International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture For Rural Development (3rd ICSARD)

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The Effect of Corncob Waste Bokashi and Spraying Frequency of Leaf Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Edamame Beans in Coastal Sand Soil
Khavid - Faozi, Etik Wukir Tini, Rizqianida Arum Cendani

Last modified: 2023-02-16


The aim of the study was to determine the dose of corncob waste bokashi and the frequency of foliar fertilizers that increased the growth and yield of edamame beans. The research was conducted at the screenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jenderal Soedirman University, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, from November 2020 to January 2021. The pot experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with two factors and three replications. A The first factor was the dose of bokashi consist of 10 (B1), 30 (B2), and 50 t.ha-1 (B3). The second factor was the frequency of foliar fertilizers, i.e control/without treatment (F0), every 5 days (F1), and once every 10 days (F2). Data were analyzed by F test and if significantly different, continued with duncan multiple range test (DMRT) at an error level of 5%. The results showed that the application of corncob waste bokashi increased leaf area by 20.98%, fresh and dry crown weights 47.9% and 49.0%, fresh and dry root weights 78.5% and 50.3%, number of pods per plant by 45,0%, and pod weight per plant by 58.3%. The application of foliar fertilizer only increased the fresh root weight by 45.4%. There was no interaction between corncob waste bokashi dose and foliar fertilizer frequency on all growth and yield variables of edamame beans.