UNSOED Conferences, International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) 2020

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INDONESIAN MIGRANT WORKER-STUDENTS: The Emergence of cosmopolitan Indonesian Migrant Worker
Muna Yastuti Madrah, Diana Dewi Sartika, Suharko Suharko

Last modified: 2020-10-23


Research on Indonesian migrant workers often places them as marginal groups in society. Such assumptions often place migrant workers in a weak position. The emergence of Indonesian Migrant Worker-students phenomena in several countries shows that Indonesian Migrant Workers have various strategies to escape from the marginality. These phenomenons show class mobility, social status, and even long-term projection strategies for their future. Local-global meetings through experiences expressed in the migrant worker-student cultural intermediary activity that indicates the emergence of cosmopolitanism among Indonesian migrant workers. Based on the research of the Indonesian Migrant Worker- students in Korea, This study aims to analized how the cultural intermediary work of the migrant worker- student lead to the emergence of the cosmopolitanism. The experience of transnational migration and higher education gave rise to cosmopolitan as a new capital and legitimized cosmopolitanism as a disposition as desired at the global level. This linked to the academic qualifications that signify cosmopolitan disposition with an increasing number of positions that require extensive interaction with people from various countries. Higher Education Migrant workers operate as a central institutional mechanism that legitimizes cosmopolitanism as a desirable attribute of people living in a globalized world.


cosmopolitan, cultural intermediary, migrant worker, higher education