Presentation Guidelines

  1. Oral presentation will be held parallel based on the theme or field,
  2. The distribution of session will be available at least one-week prior the symposium date,
  3. The presenter’s name and paper title will appear on the session schedule in the apps,
  4. Allocation time is 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion,
  5. There will be a timer on your screen as a reminder of where you are in the presentation.
  6. Please be advised that presentations exceeding the limit will be cut off by the moderators in the interest of time,
  7. Presenters are allowed to upload their power point presentation three days before the presentation session in form,
  8. Presenters may present their paper through recorded video or live streaming,
  9. If video becomes the choice, presenters must upload their video (max 200 MB) three days before the presentation,
  10. If presenters opt live streaming, make sure the internet connection is excellent. However, it is advised that all presenters prepare their recorded video beforehand to anticipate any troubles during online presentation,
  11. On the presentation session, presenters must attend the entire session, and answer the questions from the other participants or moderator.


Pedoman Presentasi :

  1. Presentasi lisan akan dilakukan secara paralel berdasarkan tema atau bidang,
  2. Distribusi sesi akan tersedia setidaknya satu minggu sebelum tanggal simposium,
  3. Nama presenter dan judul makalah akan muncul pada jadwal sesi di aplikasi,
  4. Alokasi waktu 7 menit untuk presentasi dan 3 menit untuk diskusi,
  5. Akan ada pengatur waktu di layar Anda sebagai pengingat pada saat Anda melakukan presentasi,
  6. Harap diperhatikan batas waktu presentasi atau moderator akan mengingatkan demi ketertiban pembagian waktu,
  7. Presenter diijinkan menyerahkan power point presentasi sebelum  tiga hari sebelum sesi presentasi kepada panitia,
  8. Presenter dapat mempresentasikan makalahnya melalui rekaman video atau live streaming,
  9. Presenter juga dapat memilih video presentasi sebagai alternatifnya dengan mengirimkan   videonya (maks 200 MB) tiga hari sebelum presentasi,
  10. Jika presenter memilih live streaming, pastikan koneksi internet sangat baik. Namun, disarankan agar semua presenter mempersiapkan rekaman video mereka terlebih dahulu untuk mengantisipasi masalah selama presentasi online,
  11. Pada sesi presentasi, presenter harus menghadiri seluruh sesi, dan menjawab pertanyaan dari peserta lain atau moderator.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.