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Seminar Nasional LPPM UNSOED

  • Seminar Nasional LPPM UNSOED Pengembangan Sumber Daya Perdesaan dan Kearifan Lokal Berkelanjutan XIII Tahun 2023

    October 17, 2023 – October 18, 2023

    Seminar Nasional LPPM 2023

    Seminar Nasional dan Call Papers: Pengembangan Sumber Daya Perdesaan dan Kearifan Lokal Berkelanjutan XIII

    “Sinergi dan Kolaborasi Perguruan Tinggi dan DUDI dalam Membangun Ekosistem Hilirisasi dan Komersialisasi Inovasi Berbasis Hasil-Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat”
    17-18 Oktober 2023 - Purwokerto, Indonesia



    Dalam rangka Dies Natalis Universitas Jenderal Soedirman ke-60, kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu pada acara Seminar Nasional dan Call Papers Pengembangan Sumber Daya Perdesaan dan Kearifan Lokal Berkelanjutan XIII dengan tema Sinergi dan Kolaborasi Perguruan Tinggi dan DUDI dalam Membangun Ekosistem Hilirisasi dan Komersialisasi Inovasi Berbasis Hasil-Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat.


    Kegiatan seminar ini akan dilaksanakan pada :

    Hari/Tanggal : Selasa - Rabu, 17-18 Oktober 2023

    Pukul : 07.30 - Selesai

    Tempat : Java Heritage Hotel, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah


    Keynote Speaker :Drs. Teten Masduki, Menteri Koperasi dan UKM Republik Indonesia
    Topik : Kolaborasi Perguruan Tinggi dan UMKM dalam rangka Akselerasi Hilirisasi dan Komersialisasi Inovasi

    Pembicara 1 :Prof. Dr. Erica Budiarti Laconi, Kepala Lembaga Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi IPB
    Topik : Strategi Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan Science Techno Park sebagai Simpul Hilirisasi dan Komersialisasi Hasil Litbang dan Inovasi

    Pembicara 2 :Tomy Wattemena Widjaya, Presiden Direktur PT.Great Giant Pineapple
    Topik : Penguatan Kerjasama Dunia Industri dan Pendidikan untuk Optimalisasi Sumber Daya Alam Berprospek Ekspor bagi Indonesia Maju.

    Pembicara 3 :Yosef Arisanto, Senior Vice President Bussiness Unit Head Poultry Breeder & Poultry Integration PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia
    Topik : Kemitraan Praktisi dan Akademisi untuk Mempersempit GAP Kapasitas dan Skills melalui Peningkatan Kerjasama Hilirisasi Riset dan Inovasi

    Pembicara 4 : Abdillah Baraas,Ketua Ijen Geopark Banyuwangi
    Topik : Sinergi Unesco National Geopark (UGGp) dan Perguruan Tinggi bagi Pariwisata Indonesia yang Berkualitas dan Mendunia

    Pembicara 5 : Prof. Kharisun, PhD, Dosen dan Peneliti Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
    Topik : Hilirisasi Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Berbasis Sumber Daya Alam dan Kearifan Lokal


    Buku Program dan Jadwal Sesi Sidang/Parallel Session

    >> Unduh Buku Program dan Jadwal Sesi Sidang/Parallel Session <<



    1. Pendaftaran presenter dan pembayaran (Diperpanjang 9 Agustus – 2 Oktober 2023) :

    2. Penyerahan abstrak prosiding (Diperpanjang 9 Agustus – 2 Oktober 2023) :

    3. Pengumpulan full paper untuk Prosiding (17 November 2023 Pukul 23.59) :

    City Tour :

    Narahubung :

    Bagian Acara : Dr. Zaroh Irayani, M.Si (0815-6636-903)

    Bagian Pendaftaran : Ratri Noor Hidayah, M.Si (0857-2602-3189)

    Bagian Publikasi : Yogiek Indra Kurniawan, M.T. (0856-4066-1444)


    Alur Pendaftaran

    >> Unduh Berkas Panduan Pendaftaran <<


International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature | Dressed to Kill: Fashion, Body, and Identity

Binual Conference held bay English Language and Literature Department

  • The 5th International Conference on Language, Linguistcs, and Literature 2023

    August 4, 2023 – August 5, 2023

    COLALITE (Conference of Language, Linguistics, and Literature) is a conference held by English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. The aim of this international seminar is to boost the spirit and enthusiasm of academics and non-academics in language, linguistics, literature, culture, translation studies, and vocational fields to share the result of their research internationally. This international seminar is expected to be able to create togetherness in these fields.
    The Fifth COLALITE presents “Dressed to Kill: Fashion, Body, and Identity” as the chosen theme. It will examine how diversity in fashion can be extensively elaborated in the field other than fashion studies itself

International Student Conference On Accounting & Business

International Student Conference On Accounting & Business

  • International Student Conference On Accounting & Business

Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Pertemuan Ilmiah XXXIV

  • Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Pertemuan Ilmiah XXXIV

    June 29, 2022 – June 30, 2022

    Pendaftaran dilakukan melalui website


Sejalan dengan target SDGs pemerintah Indonesia pada tahun 2030 dan dalam rangka penguatan sektor perikanan dan kelautan di masa pandemi Covid-19, Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman berkomitmen untuk mendukung pencapaian target tersebut dengan menyelenggarakan konferensi internasional “The 4 th Kripik-Scifimas” 2021. The conference has special theme, “Innovation and reinforcement for fiseries and marine sustainability in Covid-19 pandemic era”. The conference will be held virtually via Zoom during 12-13 November 2021. There will be four specific sub-themes to accommodate all fields related to fisheries and marine sectors, i.e., aquaculture, marine science technology and engineering, aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem, and social-economy of Aquatic resources. Current conference will invite Keynote Speaker (from government), Guest Speaker (from stakes holders) and Expert speaker from several countries (New Zealand, USA, Vietnam, Malaysia). We are warmly welcome outstanding students, researcher, lecturer, bussiness owner, technician, and government internationally to join and attend this conference. Future collaboration among all professions related on fisheries and marine sectors consist of academics, government, and private sector are expected in order to achieve the sustainability of fisheries and marine production.

  • The 4th KRIPIK-SciFiMaS 2021

    November 1, 2022 – December 1, 2022


    The target of sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the Indonesian government in 2030 is improving the economic benefit from Fisheries and marine sectors. This target can be achieved by developing the sustainable use of marine resources, including fisheries management, aquaculture, and tourism. However, in the mid of 2020, the spread of the Covid-19 virus has led to a global adjustment in Fisheries and Marine sectors. These changes have impacted on many aspects including capture fisheries production, marine technology, aquaculture production, and post-harvest distribution.  Several new challenges, as well as innovations by governments and private along the aquatic food value chain, have been made. Some lessons are emerging on ways to build back better, to ensure that the resilience of aquatic food value chains is strengthened to endure future crises, so that sustainability, livelihoods and food security are not disrupted, and that waste of high-value and perishable aquatic sources is reduced to meet the sustainable development goals (SDGs) targets.

    In line with the target of SDGs of the Indonesian government and in order to strengthen the fisheries and marine sectors during the Covid-19 pandemic, Fisheries and Marine Faculty of Jenderal Soedirman University committed to support to achieve it by organizing the international conference “The 4th Kripik-Scifimas” 2021. The conference has a special theme, “Innovation and reinforcement for fisheries and marine sustainability in Covid-19 pandemic era”. The conference will be held virtually via Zoom and YouTube live streaming on 12th -13th November 2021. There will be four specific sub-themes to accommodate all fields related to fisheries and marine sectors, i.e., aquaculture, marine science technology and engineering, aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem, and social economy of Aquatic resources. The Current conference will invite Keynote Speaker (from the government), Guest Speaker (from stakes holders) and Expert speaker from several countries (New Zealand, USA, Vietnam, Malaysia). We are warmly welcome outstanding students, researchers, lecturers, business owners, technicians, and government internationally to join and attend this conference. Future collaboration among all professions related to fisheries and marine sectors consist of academics, government, and private sectors are expected in order to achieve the sustainability of fisheries and marine production.


    Innovation and Reinforcement for Fisheries and Marine Sustainability in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

    Sub Theme

    • Aquaculture
    • Marine Science, Technology and Engineering
    • Aquatic biodiversity and Ecosystem
    • Social-Economical Aspects of Aquatic resources




International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Rural Development (ICMA-SURE)


The topic of this conference is “Advancing Health and Sustainable Development in Rural Communities: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities”.

Advancing health and sustainable development in rural communities is a critical endeavor. By acknowledging and addressing the current challenges while seizing the opportunities, we can create a brighter future for rural areas, ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare, fostering economic growth, and preserving the unique cultural and environmental heritage of these communities.

Accordingly, the sub themes are provided as follows:

Arts and humanities

Life and applied science

Non-communicable disease

Material science and engineering

Integrated technology and management for halal

We warmly welcome previous and prospected authors submit your new research papers to ICMA-SURE 2023, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world.

  • ICMASURE2024


    We apologize for the inconvenience, all information related to ICMASURE 7 2024 can be accessed via the following link or Click the following link. Thank you for your attention.

  • ICMASURE2023

    November 8, 2023 – November 9, 2023

    The 6th ICMA-SURE 2023

    International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Rural Development

    "Advancing Health and Sustainable Development in Rural Communities: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities"
    October 19th-20th, 2023 - Purwokerto, Indonesia

    Organizer :

  • ICMASURE 2022

    January 1, 2023 – January 2, 2023

    The 5th ICMA-SURE 2022

    International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Rural Development

    "The Advanced Strategies to The Development of Rural Resources for a Smart Society"

    November 8th-9th, 2022 - Purwokerto, Indonesia

    Main Organizer :

  • ICMASURE 2021

    September 7, 2021 – September 8, 2021

    The topic of this conference is “Actualization of research culture during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in supporting emancipated learning”. The theme of this seminar was raised based on changes or adaptations of research during the Covid19 pandemic around the world. The scope of the conference are groupped into categories such as Tropical biodiversity and bioprospection; Integrated marine and coastal area management; Food, nutrition and health; Engineering and renewable energy; Entrepreneurship; Social engineering and Rural development; and Pure Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and biology).The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. We warmly welcome previous and prospected authors submit your new research papers to ICMA-SURE 2021, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world.


    "Actualization of research culture during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in supporting emancipated learning”



    1.     Tropical biodiversity and bioprospection

    2.     Integrated marine and coastal area management

    3.     Food, nutrition and health

    4.     Engineering and renewable energy

    5.     Entrepreneurship

    6.     Social engineering and Rural development

    7. Pure Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and biology)



    The purpose ofthis conference is to establish the exchange of information on basic research, applied and  frontier,in the the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to reposition the role and contribution of the scientists and researchers involved in emancipated learning.


    Date and Venue

    Date    : September 7-8, 2021

    Venue  : Gedung LPPM, Jenderal Soedirman University-Purwokerto (Zoom Online)



    Participants of the conference include scientists and researchers from universities and R&D institutions, policy makers, environmental managers, NGOs, students and others.


    Keynotes speaker :

    Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU, Asean Eng.

    General Manager of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, indonesia

    Talk title:  “Emancipated learning in the pandemic covid 19 era”


    Expert speakers :

    Dr. Ely Triasih Rahayu, M.Hum

    Lecturer of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


    Prof. Dr.Osama Ibrahim

    Tourism Guidance, Fayoum University, Egypt

    John Mwibanda Wesonga, PH.D

    Jomo Kenyatta University of Agricuture and Technology, Kenya


    Martha Ramires Valdivia, M.Sc, PH.D

    Industrial Engineer, Universidad de LaFrontera, Temuco, Chile


    Prof. Yasumasa Besso

    Gene Regulation Research, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan


    Prof. Dr. Chuleemas Boonthai IWAI, Ph.D

    Khon Kaen University, Thailand



    The manuscript should follow the author guidelines and copy the house-style of the chosen journals. Selected manuscripts may be published in an edition of :

    1. BIO Web of Conferences (Indexing WoS)

    2. SHS Web of Conferences (Indexing WoS))

    3. Molekul Journal (Indexing Scopus)

    4. ICHS : Enfermeria Clinica (Special Issue) (Scopus Q3)

    5. IOP Proceeding (Indexing Scopus)


The 16th Joint Conference on Chemistry 2021

  • The 16th Joint Conference on Chemistry 2021

    September 9, 2021 – September 10, 2021

    Please Login or Create account first

    Payment Registration

    Abstract Submission


    The main theme of the 16th Joint Conference on Chemistry 2021 is visualizing the latest upfront of chemistry research and education for a better future. Based on the main theme, the sub-topics of the 16th Joint Conference on Chemistry 2021 would be the topic of interest include all areas of chemistry research and education but are not limited to:

Soedirman's International Conference On Mathematics and Applied Sciences (SICoMAS) 2021

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Jenderal Soedirman University is pleased to present Soedirman’s International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Sciences (SICoMAS) 2021. The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, lecturers, teachers, students, practitioners, and industrial professionals from around the world to share knowledge, exchange idea, collaborate, and present research results in the fields of  mathematics, physics, chemistry, and their applications. By taking issue “Fundamental, Flexibility, and Innovation in Mathematics and Sciences”. The conference will be held from  October 20th to 21st, 2021 using online platform.

It is our great pleasure to invite you to present your recent results through online oral presentation in SICoMAS 2021. Selected papers will be published in a proceeding indexed by scopus.

We are looking forward for your participation during the event.

  • Soedirman's International Conference On Mathematics and Applied Sciences 2021

    November 21, 2021 – November 22, 2021

    About Conference

    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Jenderal Soedirman University is pleased to present Soedirman's International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Sciences (SICoMAS) 2021. The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, lecturers, teachers, students, practitioners, and industrial professionals from around the world to share knowledge, exchange idea, collaborate, and present research results in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and their applications. By taking issue “Fundamental, Flexibility, and Innovation in Mathematics and Sciences’. The conference will be held from October 20 - 21, 2021 using online platform.
    It is our great pleasure to invite you to present your recent results through online oral presentation in SICOMAS 2021. Selected papers will be published in an proceeding indexed by Scopus.

    We are looking forward for your participation during the event.


    Geometry, Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Combinatorics and Mathematical Computation.
    Energy, Theoretical Physics, Material Sciences, Geophysics, Nuclear Physics, Instrumentation Physics, Medical Physics, Computational Physics, Environmental Physics, and Physics Education.
    Innovative Chemistry and Chemistry Education.

    Publication Info

    Selected paper will be published in a Proceeding Indexed by Scopus

    Virtual Conference

    YouTube FMIPA Unsoed

    Online on Zoom Meeting and Youtube FMIPA UNSOED.

    Due Dates

    • .
      August 15, 2021

      September 08, 2021
      Deadline for abstract submission
    • .
      August 20, 2021

      September 15, 2021
      Notification of abstract acceptance
    • .
      August 30, 2021

      September 25, 2021
      Early bird registration with payment
    • .
      October 10, 2021

      Deadline registration with payment
    • .
      October 20, 2021

      Deadline for full paper submission
    • .
      October 20 - 21, 2021

      Conference date


    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.

    Jl. Dr. Soeparno 61 Karangwangkal Purwokerto 53123. Phone/fax: +62 281 638793

    Venue and Time:

    Date : October 20-21, 2021

    Time 1 07:00 AM - 14:30 PM

    Location : The host of the virtual conference will be at Universitas Jenderal

    Soedirman, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

    Contact person:

    Jamrud Aminuddin, Ph.D (+62 878-2967-9471)

LIONG International Conference (Literature Innovation in Chinese Language)

  • “Liong is a manifestation of Chinese culture that is believed to bring fortune and goodness. In practice, Liong is used as one of the performances for Chinese New Year celebrations which is still preserved today. Liong performance blends with the music to excite performers and the audience. Liong performance is expected to bring good luck and give spirit to life. As one of the Chinese cultural practices that have merged with Indonesian culture, Liong has become something "iconic".
  • The 1st LIONG conference (Literature Innovation in Chinese Language) attempts to accommodate intriguing themes. This year, we present “Challenges of Online Learning during Pandemic Era" to accommodate the growing interest of Literature Innovation analyses in the fields of cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics and education in Chinese Language. For this very reason, the 1st LIONG Conference encourages researchers, authors, academic practitioners, and those who are interested in exploring this issue to participate in the conference. Accordingly, the sub themes are provided as follows Innovation in:
    1. Teaching Language
    2. Linguistic
    3. Literature
    4. Culture
    5. Education
    6. Applied Linguistic

  • LIONG conference (Literature innovation in Chinese Language)

    October 19, 2021 – October 20, 2021

    • “Liong is a manifestation of Chinese culture that is believed to bring fortune and goodness. In practice, Liong is used as one of the performances for Chinese New Year celebrations which is still preserved today. Liong performance blends with the music to excite performers and the audience. Liong performance is expected to bring good luck and give spirit to life. As one of the Chinese cultural practices that have merged with Indonesian culture, Liong has become something "iconic".
    • The 1st LIONG conference (Literature Innovation in Chinese Language) attempts to accommodate intriguing themes. This year, we present “Challenges of Online Learning during Pandemic Era” to accommodate the growing interest of Literature Innovation analyses in the fields of cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics and education in Chinese Language. For this very reason, the 1st LIONG Conference encourages researchers, authors, academic practitioners, and those who are interested in exploring this issue to participate in the conference. Accordingly, the sub themes are provided as follows Innovation in:
      1. Teaching Language
      2. Linguistic
      3. Literature
      4. Culture
      5. Education
      6. Applied Linguistic

Seminar Series on Fisheries and Marine Science (S2FiMaS)

One of the visions for Indonesia is becoming the World Maritime Axis (Poros Maritim Dunia) stated by President Joko Widodo in one of his speech (2014). This vision is projecting Indonesia to become a maritime country that is sovereign, advanced, independent, strong, and capable of making a positive contribution to regional, world security and peace following national interests. To achieve the vision, Indonesian government proved their accomplishment by implementing a blue economy regulation which is not only able to improve the quality of life of Indonesian but also to conserve and protect the ecosystems, in order to be sustainable use, efficient, creative, and innovative in term of managing the marine and fisheries products and services.

The Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University is committed to support the government's efforts in achieving the vision of Indonesia to become the World Maritime Axis. This is manifested in the form of innovation in the field of science. We are aware that achieving this vision requires synergy from stakeholders such as the government, private sector, academics, researchers, and the community. Therefore, we invite related parties to share their ideas and research results in the Seminar Series on Fisheries and Marine Science (S2FiMaS).

S2FiMaS is a platform for researchers and academics in the marine and fisheries sector to be able to share research results so that they can be widely useful. The theme of this activity is focused on marine and fisheries research from leading researchers around the world. S2FIMAS is conducted regularly every week from November to December 2020 and will be broadcast live through the Zoom and Youtube platforms.

  • Seminar Series on Fisheries and Marine Science 2021


    One of the visions for Indonesia is becoming the World Maritime Axis (Poros Maritim Dunia) stated by President Joko Widodo in one of his speech (2014). This vision is projecting Indonesia to become a maritime country that is sovereign, advanced, independent, strong, and capable of making a positive contribution to regional, world security and peace following national interests. To achieve the vision, Indonesian government proved their accomplishment by implementing a blue economy regulation which is not only able to improve the quality of life of Indonesian but also to conserve and protect the ecosystems, in order to be sustainable use, efficient, creative, and innovative in term of managing the marine and fisheries products and services.

    Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University is committed to support the government's efforts in achieving the vision of Indonesia to become the World Maritime Axis. This is manifested in the form of innovation in the field of science. We are aware that achieving this vision requires synergy from stakeholders such as the government, private sector, academics, researchers, and the community. Therefore, we invite related parties to share their ideas and research results in the Seminar Series on Fisheries and Marine Science (S2FiMaS).

    S2FiMaS is a platform for researchers and academics in the marine and fisheries sector to be able to share research results so that they can be widely useful. The theme of this activity is focused on marine and fisheries research from leading researchers around the world. S2FIMAS is conducted regularly every week from November to December 2020 and will be broadcast live through the Zoom and Youtube platforms.

  • Seminar Series on Fisheries and Marine Science 2020

    December 24, 2020 – December 25, 2020


    One of the visions for Indonesia is becoming the World Maritime Axis (Poros Maritim Dunia) stated by President Joko Widodo in one of his speech (2014). This vision is projecting Indonesia to become a maritime country that is sovereign, advanced, independent, strong, and capable of making a positive contribution to regional, world security and peace following national interests. To achieve the vision, Indonesian government proved their accomplishment by implementing a blue economy regulation which is not only able to improve the quality of life of Indonesian but also to conserve and protect the ecosystems, in order to be sustainable use, efficient, creative, and innovative in term of managing the marine and fisheries products and services.

    Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University is committed to support the government's efforts in achieving the vision of Indonesia to become the World Maritime Axis. This is manifested in the form of innovation in the field of science. We are aware that achieving this vision requires synergy from stakeholders such as the government, private sector, academics, researchers, and the community. Therefore, we invite related parties to share their ideas and research results in the Seminar Series on Fisheries and Marine Science (S2FiMaS).

    S2FiMaS is a platform for researchers and academics in the marine and fisheries sector to be able to share research results so that they can be widely useful. The theme of this activity is focused on marine and fisheries research from leading researchers around the world. S2FIMAS is conducted regularly every week from November to December 2020 and will be broadcast live through the Zoom and Youtube platforms.


The 1st International Conference on Political, Social and Humanities Sciences (ICPSH) 2020

The 1st "International Conference on Political, Social & Humanities Sciences" (ICPSH 2020)

Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University


"Navigating Global Society in the Disruptive Era"


We live in an age of transformation in which strong global forces change the way we live and function. The rise of new emerging economies such as China, India, and other countries in the global south; the rapid proliferation of digital technologies; the rising challenges of globalization; and the global pandemic; all that issues above have impacted global society.  Simultaneously, the resurfacing of old international rivalries, the breaking of conventional alignments, and the emergence of new powers are changing the international structure of the 21st century, if not the methodology and analytical methods used by scholars to understand it.

Although power politics is shifting, non-traditional challenges are also on the rise: seemingly never-ending wars in Africa and the Middle East, global migration, environmental problems, and the possibility of transnational terrorism are unavoidable factors that must be taken into account in any possible future scenario. Industrial Revolution 4.0 has had transformative impacts on all lines of society, and the global society must be prepared to face up to new developments that are evolving to the core.  Such and other global developments bring substantial new opportunities to global society, nations, industries, businesses, and individuals that have successfully adopted them— but the risk for those who can not keep up has also risen dramatically.

Aim and Scope

The theme of this virtual conference is "Navigating Global Society in the Disruptive Era." Thus the conference has three main issues to be discussed: The conference will discuss the challenge of current global transformations towards global society, states, market, international engagement, and foreign relations. With the advent of a disruptive era, there is a change in the system of interaction between state actors and non-state actors in the global stage. Besides, it will discuss the impacts and effects of the disruptive era on international relations and diplomacy at large. Finally, it will also discuss the response of local society, local government, and public administration to the challenge and opportunities bought by the new transformation.

This conference will explore and develop the central theme and welcome papers from a range of perspectives and backgrounds, school of thought, and interdisciplinary fields of intellectual discourses. Papers can be theoretical or based on observational case studies from any country or area of the world. Some of the problems addressed include (but not limited to) the following subtopics:

  • Global Society and emerging technologies
  • International Relations & Foreign Policy in the Disruptive Era
  • Peace, human right and security in the era of digital technology
  • Global pandemic, environmental issues, and global disaster management
  • Populism and democratic backsliding
  • Religious resurgence, communal identities and radicalism
  • New challenge and opportunity for social movement and global justice
  • People mobility and international migration
  • Challenge and opportunity of Communication in the disruptive era
  • Challenge to Public Administration in the disruptive era
  • Building a resilient society in the disruptive era
  • New transformation in the global economy
  • A challenge to the sustainable development goals in the disruptive era
A challenge and opportunities for education and culture in the era of Industry 4.0

  • International Conference on Political, Social and Humanities Sciences (ICPSH) 2020

1st Virtual International Symposium On Health Sciences (ISHS)

About ISHS

“We give you experience, more than just a virtual meeting”

After the success of last year's conference, with papers published in the  Scopus-indexed journal, the Faculty of Health Sciences held another event this year. ISHS is a biannual symposium that covers updates and research in health sciences field including nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, public health and physical education. This symposium catalyze knowledge and experience among scientist, educator, clinician, student, and policy maker. It also bridges the gap between theory and practice. As we are currently in pandemic, the meeting will be held virtually using the Whova platform to give a convenient experience like an on site symposium. This virtual symposium enables participants to actively involved and create networking with speakers and other participants.

The year of 2020 makes a major change in the early 21st century with the covid-19 pandemic that was discovered at the end of last year. All aspects of life in the world feel its effects, especially on health where the cobid-19 transmission is very fast and the mortality rate is high. Nurses are at the forefront in handling this epidemic along with doctors and other health workers. This pandemic changed the direction of nursing care in the health area including preventive, curative and rehabilitative. This change in direction requires nurses to improve their skills and knowledge. This cannot be done only in a clinic setting but has been done since in nursing school by examining the additional competencies of nursing graduates. The Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University, would like to provide meetings where educators, clinicians, researchers, policy makers and students may have dialogue regarding changes in nursing care after the Covid-19 pandemic in the world. The meeting wants to explore the leadership and management on health system approach, the readiness of nurses in delivering nursing care in a new health behavior, and the contribution of health education in preparing students to be competent in facing the new health care demand.

  • 1st Virtual International Symposium On Health Sciences (V-ISHS)

    September 22, 2020 – September 23, 2020

    “We give you experience, more than just a virtual meeting”

    After the success of last year's conference, with papers published in the  Scopus-indexed journal, the Faculty of Health Sciences held another event this year. ISHS is a biannual symposium that covers updates and research in health sciences field including nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, public health and physical education. This symposium catalyze knowledge and experience among scientist, educator, clinician, student, and policy maker. It also bridges the gap between theory and practice. As we are currently in pandemic, the meeting will be held virtually using the Whova platform to give a convenient experience like an on site symposium. This virtual symposium enables participants to actively involved and create networking with speakers and other participants.

    The year of 2020 makes a major change in the early 21st century with the covid-19 pandemic that was discovered at the end of last year. All aspects of life in the world feel its effects, especially on health where the cobid-19 transmission is very fast and the mortality rate is high. Nurses are at the forefront in handling this epidemic along with doctors and other health workers. This pandemic changed the direction of nursing care in the health area including preventive, curative and rehabilitative. This change in direction requires nurses to improve their skills and knowledge. This cannot be done only in a clinic setting but has been done since in nursing school by examining the additional competencies of nursing graduates. The Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University, would like to provide meetings where educators, clinicians, researchers, policy makers and students may have dialogue regarding changes in nursing care after the Covid-19 pandemic in the world. The meeting wants to explore the leadership and management on health system approach, the readiness of nurses in delivering nursing care in a new health behavior, and the contribution of health education in preparing students to be competent in facing the new health care demand.


    ISHS Goals

    1. To provide an opportunity for academics, clinicians, students and policy maker to examine and exchange
    2. To provide participants with an understanding of Covid-19 pandemic effect on nursing care in the future.
    3. To provide scientific basis for strategies to deliver an effective nursing care after the pandemic.


    Registration here



    1. Maternity nursing
    2. Pediatric nursing
    3. Medical and surgical nursing
    4. Emergency, intensive and critical care nursing
    5. Nursing education
    6. Mental health nursing
    7. Community, family health and gerontological nursing
    8. Nursing management
    9. Public health
    10. Pharmacy
    11. Biomedical sciences
    12. Nutrition and functional food
    13. Sport sciences
    14. Others



    Selected papers will be published on:

    1. Scopus-indexed journal

    2. Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman

    3. Other journals (under confirmation)



    1. Ministry of Health,  Republic Indonesia (to be confirmed)
    2. Prof. Dr. Budi Anna Keliat, S.Kp., M.AppSc (University of Indonesia)n- title: Community empowerment in mental health and psychosocial toward the Covid-19 pandemic
    3. Dr. Ridlwan Kamaluddin, S.Kep., Ns,M.Kep (Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia) - title: University’s social responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic
    4. Dr. Jerry V Manlapaz (Dean of Emilio Aguinaldo College of Nursing, Philippines), theme: Nursing education response to the changes of nursing care after the covid-19 pandemic
    5. Dr. Holly Blake, CPsychol SFHEA (University of Nottingham, UK), title: Psychological well being in health care workers - impacts of COVID19 and strategies for psychological support.
    6. Assistant Professor Chen, Yen-Chin (National Cheng Khung University, Taiwan) title: Innovation in Nursing Technology related Covid-19 Pandemic
    7. The State University of New York, USA, theme: Challenges in Pediatric nursing care after the Covid-19 pandemic. (Speaker to be confirmed)

    Important dates

    Early Rate Registration/ Payment

    :  Before July 25th 2020

    Deadline of Abstract Submission

    :  July 10th 2020

    Notification of Abstract

    :  July 20th 2020

    Full Paper Submission Deadline 

    :  August 20th 2020

    Normal Rate Registration

    :  August 20th 2020

    Symposium Day

    :  September 22 - 23 2020

    Virtual Symposium


    Symposium will be centered in the studio in Faculty of Health Sciences, Purwokerto, Indonesia. This studio will be used to manage the two day symposium, and for the opening and closing ceremony which will be attended by the Rector of Jenderal Soedirman University.

    Virtual Symposium

    The activities during the symposium including:

    1. Keynote lectures which will be given by our invited speakers.

    2. Presenters for oral

    3. poster presentations

    4. Online discussion among participants



    Symposium 1. Tuesday, September 22, 2020









    1. Pre-opening

    2. National Anthem "Indonesia Raya"

    3. Speech by the Chairperson

    4. Welcoming speech by the Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences

    5. Opening speech by the Rector of Jenderal Soedirman University


    Keynote Speaker 1

    Ministry of Health, Indonesia






    Plenary Speakers

    1. Prof. Dr. Budi Anna Keliat, S.Kp., M.AppSc (University of Indonesia), theme: Changes in mental health nursing care after the covid-19 pandemic

    2. Dr. Jerry V Manlapaz (Dean of Emilio Aguinaldo College of Nursing, Philippines), theme: Education response to the changes of nursing care after the covid-19 pandemic




    Lunch Break



    Oral Presentation 1



    Plenary speaker

    Dr. Holly Blake, CPsychol SFHEA (University of Nottingham, UK), title: Psychological well being in health care workers - impacts of COVID19 and strategies for psychological support.



    Symposium Day 2. Wednesday September 23, 2020




    Oral Presentations 2


    Plenary Speakers

    1. The State University of New York, USA, theme: Challenges in Pediatric nursing care after the Covid-19 pandemic (Speaker to be confirmed)

    2. Dr. Ridlwan Kamaluddin, S.Kep., Ns,M.Kep (Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia) (Topic to be confirmed)

    3. National Cheng Khung University, Taiwan (Speaker and topic to be confirmed)



    Lunch Break


    Oral Presentations 3


    Closing Ceremony and Award announcement

    Registration fees


    Early Bird

    Until July 25th 2020


    Until August 20th 2020





    750,000 IDR/ 60 USD

    850,000 IDR/70 USD


    900,000 IDR/ 80 USD

    1,200,000 IDR/90 USD



    Participant Non-Presenter

    250,000 IDR/ 25 USD

    350,000 IDR/30 USD

The 2nd Animal Science and Food Technology Conference (AnSTC) 2020

Theme: "Advancing Animal Production Systems for Rural Development and Environment Sustainability"

Following the success of hosting the 1st AnSTC 2019, we welcome academicians, postgraduate students, and researchers to present papers on the 2nd AnSTC 2020. The conference covers the following topics, but not limited to :

  1. Animal behaviour
  2. Animal physiology and reproduction
  3. Animal biotechnology
  4. Animal nutrition and feed technology
  5. Animal genetics and breeding
  6. Animal waste and environmental technology
  7. Veterinary science
  8. Food science
  9. Poultry, dairy, meat science and management
  10. Livestock farming system
  11. Socio-economic aspects of animal production


  • AnSTC2020

    November 4, 2020 – November 5, 2020

    Following the success of hosting the 1st AnSTC 2019, we welcome academicians, postgraduate students, and researchers to present papers on the 2nd AnSTC 2020.

International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)

ICHS is an annual conference that covers updates and research in health sciences field including nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, public health and physical education. This conference aims to catalyze knowledge and experience among scientist, academics, clinicians, student, and policy maker. It also bridge the gap between theory and practice. Due to the pandemic situation, the event will be held using virtual meeting platform. This creates borderless environment and enables participants from different part of the world to actively involved and create networking with speakers and other attendees.

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world and transformed basic human interaction to a virtual approach, technology-based, and thus affects all aspects of society. Most importantly, this pandemic also accelerate change in medical approach by transforming health care system through upgrading safety protocols in the interaction between health practitioners and patients, without downgrading quality of patient care and satisfaction. Thus, virtual care and remote medicine have found its rising highlight in the past year as the main choice for health care approach. The Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, would like to provide meetings where all involved parties in the health care system may have dialogue to response on virtual care and remote medicine’s challenges and opportunities. The meeting wants to explore the leadership and management on health system approach, the readiness of health system personnel to apply virtual care and remote medicine, as well as the contribution of health education in preparing students to have the required competencies in response to the new health care demand.

  • “5th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”

    May 11, 2023 – May 12, 2023

    The name of this event is “5th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”, whereas the main theme is "Strengthening Collaboration and Innovation for Better Health Care"

    ICHS is an annual conference that covers updates and research in health sciences field including nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, public health and physical education. This conference aims to catalyze knowledge and experience among scientist, academics, clinicians, student, and policy maker. It also bridge the gap between theory and practice. Due to the pandemic situation, the event will be held using virtual meeting platform. This creates borderless environment and enables participants from different part of the world to actively involved and create networking with speakers and other attendees.

    The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world and transformed basic human interaction to a virtual approach, technology-based, and thus affects all aspects of society. Most importantly, this pandemic also accelerate change in medical approach by transforming health care system through upgrading safety protocols in the interaction between health practitioners and patients, without downgrading quality of patient care and satisfaction. Thus, virtual care and remote medicine have found its rising highlight in the past year as the main choice for health care approach. The Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, would like to provide meetings where all involved parties in the health care system may have dialogue to response on virtual care and remote medicine’s challenges and opportunities. The meeting wants to explore the leadership and management on health system approach, the readiness of health system personnel to apply virtual care and remote medicine, as well as the contribution of health education in preparing students to have the required competencies in response to the new health care demand.

  • “4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”

    September 22, 2021 – September 23, 2021

    The name of this event is “4th International Conference In Health Sciences (ICHS)”, whereas the main theme is “Virtual Care and Remote Medicine: Reshaping Health Care in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic”

    ICHS is an annual conference that covers updates and research in health sciences field including nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, public health and physical education. This conference aims to catalyze knowledge and experience among scientist, academics, clinicians, student, and policy maker. It also bridge the gap between theory and practice. Due to the pandemic situation, the event will be held using virtual meeting platform. This creates borderless environment and enables participants from different part of the world to actively involved and create networking with speakers and other attendees.

    The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world and transformed basic human interaction to a virtual approach, technology-based, and thus affects all aspects of society. Most importantly, this pandemic also accelerate change in medical approach by transforming health care system through upgrading safety protocols in the interaction between health practitioners and patients, without downgrading quality of patient care and satisfaction. Thus, virtual care and remote medicine have found its rising highlight in the past year as the main choice for health care approach. The Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, would like to provide meetings where all involved parties in the health care system may have dialogue to response on virtual care and remote medicine’s challenges and opportunities. The meeting wants to explore the leadership and management on health system approach, the readiness of health system personnel to apply virtual care and remote medicine, as well as the contribution of health education in preparing students to have the required competencies in response to the new health care demand.

International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature: Superhero in the Age of Transnationalism (COLALITE)

Superheroes have special parts in our hearts. Our childhood fantasies were occupied by them, and  even as adults, our mind are still wishing for their presence. For ages, our dreams of superheroes have been pouring down, spreading through words of mouth, filling up the pages of books, and engraving sheets of papers and celluloids. More recently, they find a way to surf in our media, connecting people from different nations who share the same idea that there will be special people with special powers to solve world’s problems. These superheroes, regardless their questionable reality, have reminded us that we need to put aside our differences and work together to make our world a better place. Their presence in our cultures, literatures and languages, therefore, deserves to be acknowledged in a special academic venue. However, bringing these compelling issues into academic atmosphere through narrow-limited conference is still a rarity.

The biennial Conference of Language, Linguistics and Literature (COLALITE) always attempts to accommodate intriguing themes. This year, the 4th international COLALITE presents “Superhero in the Age of Transnationalism” to accommodate the growing interest of superhero texts analyses in the fields of cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics and education. For this very reason, the 4th COLALITE encourages researchers, authors, academic practitioners, and those who are interested in exploring this issue to participate in the conference. However, due to Covid-19 Pandemic, 4th COLALITE 2020 is going to be conducted online.

  • International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) 2020

    November 12, 2020 – November 13, 2020

    International Online Conference on Language, Linguistics, And Literature (COLALITE) 2020: Superhero in the Age of Transnationalism

    Superheroes have special parts in our hearts. Our childhood fantasies were occupied by them, and  even as adults, our mind are still wishing for their presence. For ages, our dreams of superheroes have been pouring down, spreading through words of mouth, filling up the pages of books, and engraving sheets of papers and celluloids. More recently, they find a way to surf in our media, connecting people from different nations who share the same idea that there will be special people with special powers to solve world’s problems. These superheroes, regardless their questionable reality, have reminded us that we need to put aside our differences and work together to make our world a better place. Their presence in our cultures, literatures and languages, therefore, deserves to be acknowledged in a special academic venue. However, bringing these compelling issues into academic atmosphere through narrow-limited conference is still a rarity.

    The biennial Conference of Language, Linguistics and Literature (COLALITE) always attempts to accommodate intriguing themes. This year, the 4th international COLALITE presents “Superhero in the Age of Transnationalism” to accommodate the growing interest of superhero texts analyses in the fields of cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics and education. For this very reason, the 4th COLALITE encourages researchers, authors, academic practitioners, and those who are interested in exploring this issue to participate in the conference. However, due to Covid-19 Pandemic, 4th COLALITE 2020 is going to be conducted online.

1'st Jenderal Soedirman International Medical Conference (JIMC) 2020

Nanoscience is an emerging area of science that involves the study of materials on an ultra-small scale and the novel properties that these materials demonstrate. Nanoscience has the potential to reshape the world around us. It could lead to revolutionary breakthroughs in fields ranging from manufacturing to health care. At this time, we also have entered the era of genomic medicine (genomic medicine), which begins with the success in mapping the human genome. Even human genetic research in recent decades has led to the application of genomics for the benefit of patients (translational research). Genetic studies are now beginning to apply genetic information to achieve personalized medicine, which is an innovative approach to patient management by considering individual differences based on genes, environment, and lifestyle.

Indonesia has a significant role in the development of nanosciences research and human genetics. Research in the field of nanoparticles, genetics, molecular biology, and infection have been carried out and has produced quite several publications and also application in the form of both national and international scene.

This conference will be useful for presenting the latest research results in the field of nanoparticles, nanotechnology, and human genetics in supporting the development of patient-based individual character therapy (personalized medicine) and healthcare in general terms.

This conference will be held in collaboration with Faculty of Medicine Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesian Consortium of Biomedical Sciences (KIBI), Indonesian Doctor Association, Indonesian Dentists Association, with the title “First General Sudirman International Medical Conference “Nanoscience From Basic To Clinic – Current Status of Genetic Diseases In Indonesia.” Organizing a conference at the Faculty of Medicine Unsoed will undoubtedly show the existence of Indonesia as one of the centers of research, education, and development in the field of advanced human genetics and Nanosciences expertise.


  • 1'st Jenderal Soedirman International Medical Conference (JIMC) 2020

    November 28, 2020 – November 29, 2020

    Nanoscience is an emerging area of science that involves the study of materials on an ultra-small scale and the novel proAperties that these materials demonstrate. Nanoscience has the potential to reshape the world around us. It could lead to revolutionary breakthroughs in fields ranging from manufacturing to health care. At this time, we also have entered the era of genomic medicine (genomic medicine), which begins with the success in mapping the human genome.

    Even human genetic research in recent decades has led to the application of genomics for the benefit of patients (translational research). Genetic studies are now beginning to apply genetic information to achieve personalized medicine, which is an innovative approach to patient management by considering individual differences based on genes, environment, and lifestyle.

    Indonesia has a significant role in the development of nanosciences research and human genetics. Research in the field of nanoparticles, genetics, molecular biology, and infection have been carried out and has produced quite several publications and also application in the form of both national and international scene.

    This conference will be useful for presenting the latest research results in the field of nanoparticles, nanotechnology, and human genetics in supporting the development of patient-based individual character therapy (personalized medicine) and healthcare in general terms.

    This conference will be held in collaboration with Faculty of Medicine Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesian Consortium of Biomedical Sciences (KIBI), Indonesian Doctor Association, Indonesian Dentists Association, with the title “First General Sudirman International Medical Conference “Nano-science in Health and Medical Fields: Current State and Opportunities.” Organizing a conference at the Faculty of Medicine Unsoed will undoubtedly show the existence of Indonesia as one of the centers of research, education, and development in the field of advanced human genetics and Nanosciences expertise

The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development (3rd ICSARD)

The agricultural sector of Indonesia comprises large plantations (both state-owned and private) and smallholder production modes. The large plantations tend to focus on commodities which are important export products (palm oil and rubber), while the smallholder farmers focus on rice, soybeans, corn, fruits and vegetables.Indonesia is a major global key producer of a wide variety of agricultural tropical products, and although agriculture's share of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) has declined markedly during the last five decades, it still provides income for the majority of Indonesian households today.

Achieving global food security whilst reconciling demands on the environment is the greatest challenge faced by mankind. By 2050 at least 9 billion people will need food, and increasing incomes and urbanization will inevitably lead to dietary change. The food security challenge will increasingly encompass the triple burden of malnutrition – under nutrition, obesity and micronutrient deficiencies. The urgency of the issues has led to huge scientific strides forwards, making it difficult to keep up with the rapidly expanding volume of scientific research.

Following the success of the 1stInternational Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development 2018 (1st ICSARD), the Faculty of Agriculture JenderalSoedirman University will host and organize the 2ndInternational Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development 2020 (2nd ICSARD).  The 2nd ICSARDaims to deliver state-of-the-art analysis, inspiring visions and innovative methods arising from research in a wide range of disciplines which have contribution in strengthening sustainable agriculture.The conference will address the food and agriculture system activities of processing, distributing and consuming food, as well as food production from crop, livestock, freshwater and marine sources; the availability, access, utilization and stability dimensions of food security; and the synergies and trade-offs between economic, environmental, health and social objectives and outcomes. The 2nd ICSARD, therefore,will bea valuable and beneficial forum for speakers, academicians, professionals and practitioners coming from universities, research institutions, government agencies and industries to share and exchange ideas, experience and recent progress in all aspects of sustainable agriculture and global food security.

It is a matter of great privilege for us to invite you to contribute research papers and participate in the deliberations of the conference. We look forward to welcome you at Purwokerto, home of JenderalSoedirman University, Indonesia.

  • The 3rd International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture For Rural Development (3rd ICSARD)

    August 23, 2022 – August 23, 2022

    Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

    We kindly invite you to join our biannual conference, The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development (ICSARD) 2022, which will be held on August 23, 2022 using zoom online platform. The 3rd ICSARD 2022 is organised by Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.

    The topic, “Strengthening Sustainable Agriculture in the New Normal and Disruptive Technology Era”, including:

    • Agrotechnology: Agroecology, Soil Science, Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant Protection, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
    • Food Science and Technology: Food Processing Technology, Food Microbiology, Food Chemistry, Food Biochemistry, Agro-Industrial Management, Food and Nutrition
    • Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering: Farm Machinery, Precision Farming, Food Engineering, Instrumentation and Control in Biosystem Engineering, Bio-Environment Control and Management Engineering, Post-Harvest Handling and Processing Engineering, Renewable Energy, Agricultural Management and Information System
    • Socio-Economics of Agriculture and Agribusiness
    • Other topics related to sustainable agriculture



    Keynote speaker:

    Dr. Ir. Kasdi Subagyono, M.Sc. (Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia)

    Invited speakers:

    1. Prof. Indrawati Oey, Ph.D (Otago University, New Zealand)
    2. Prof. Yukio Ozaki, Ph.D (Kyushu University, Japan)
    3. Krissandi Wijaya, Ph.D (Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia)


    The 3rd ICSARD 2022 can be participated by researchers from universities and research institutions from national and international, university students, policy makers, professionals/practitioners, private sector and non-governments organization.


    Important Dates

    The 2nd Call of Paper

    Abstract and Full paper submission deadline

    August 16, 2022

    Acceptance notification

    August 19, 2022

    Registration deadline

    August 19, 2022


    August, 23 2022


    Registration Fees.

    1. Indonesian/Local Participant. Submit here
      1. Article : IDR 300,000
    2. International Participant. Submit here
      1. Article : USD 25
    3. Participant (non presenter): IDR. 0 / USD 0. (Limitted. Register here)

    one author can only be listed in maximum 2 articles

    Proceeding Publication

    Selected papers will be published in
    Advances in Biological Sciences Research
    (Atlantis Press Group | part of Springer Nature)
    with additional fee that will be charged prior to publication.

    Proceeding Fee: Rp. 2.000.000 (USD 135)


    1. Alternative website link
    2. Flyer of The 3rd ICSARD 2022 ; Flyer of 2nd Call of Paper
    3. Template of Abstract
    4. Template of Full Paper
    5. Registration Guideline: English | Bahasa
    6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



    Arief Sudarmaji, Ph.D : +628552770918 ;
    Budi Dharmawan, Ph.D : +628122773395 ;
    Prita Sari Dewi, Ph.D : +6282137994774 ;

    The 2nd Call of Paper

    Full paper submission deadline

    August 16, 2022

    Acceptance notification

    August 19, 2022

    Registration deadline

    August 19, 2022


    August, 23 2022

  • The 2nd International Conference On Sustainable Agriculture For Rural Development (2nd ICSARD)

    October 20, 2020 – October 20, 2020



3rd International Conference on Life and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Rural Development (ICLAS-SURE)

Rural development is a process that seeks social change and sustainable economic development for the rural community´s ongoing progress. It aims to increase food production in a sustainable way and enhance food security. This will involve education initiatives, utilization of economic incentives and the development of appropriate and new technologies, thus ensuring stable supplies of nutritionally adequate food, access to those supplies by vulnerable groups, and production for markets; employment and income generation to alleviate poverty; and natural resource management and environmental protection. The ultimate goal is to improve their life quality and to preserve the environment. There are three basic needs in rural development for a sustainable future. The first one is improving millions of people´s welfare that live in the country (nearly half of the world population), thus reducing the rural-urban gap, stamping out poverty and preventing city migration. The second one is protecting and preserving natural, landscape and cultural resources. Last but not least is ensuring universal access to food with a sustainable farming production.

The 2013 World Monitoring Report of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) confirmed that the rural-urban gap still existed in the whole world. Illiteracy, lack of health care or poverty are some of the common problems affecting the country. Despite all these, international aid for rural areas has decreased two thirds in the past decades. Unsustainable behaviors and practices in the rural area have now become widespread. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation) describes a series of challenges in the Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) process, namely: ensuring a sustainable diet for present and future generations; offering steady and sustainable jobs; reducing the vulnerability of the farming sector; maintaining or increasing the productive and regenerative capacity of natural resources.. Thus, it is important to appreciate the role of the rural world in the preservation of nature, create a local consumption culture, facilitate the formative and management resources for a sustainable economy, make urban societies aware of the importance of rural areas, and so on. In making central the role of rurality in sustainable development, it is important to consider the notion of innovation as achieving the goals laid out by FAO is not an easy task and requires new, innovative ways.

Innovation is central to the economic growth and development of any nation. It could greatly help to improve the life of rural poor people by proving new opportunities for development. In fact, the most of rural poor people are landless and therefore can not depend fully on the benefits of agricultural activities. Innovation is required to look at the new development activities and functions that create more employment opportunities in and outside agriculture in the rural sector. In the rural context, innovation approach provides new ways to solve the problems of rural people and to create new opportunities for rural development. In order to encourage rural innovation, a growing emphasis is being placed on the multidimensional approach to sustainable rural development, seeking to realize synergies from the links between development factors such as energy, health, education, water, food, gender, and economic growth. A paradigm shift is needed for a better understanding of rural innovation based on the recognition that rural people and communities are actually creative and they have been innovative over the time. Instead of merely trying to learn them how to innovate, scientists also must try to understand the various innovations they put in place in order to face multi-faceted rural development challenges. Scientists of multidiscipline background also have to work hand in hand with each other, as well as with rural communities, to initiate and develop innovative ways to make rural development sustainable for a long time. It could only be undertaken by knowledge sharing between many disciplines, ranging from management studies, social sciences, life sciences, marine science, and animal science to engineering. There is no better sphere to make the collaboration between scientists with a wide range of knowledge and skills works well than a conference. It is in this principle we will be hosting an international conference on multidiscipline approach for sustainable rural development. This year, the theme of this conference is “Multidisciplinary Research for Rural Innovation.”

  • ICLAS2020

    November 18, 2020 – November 19, 2021

    Welcome to the 3rd International Conference on Life and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Rural Development (ICLAS-SURE) – 2020

    Following the success of the 1st and 2nd International Conference on life and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Rural Development (ICLAS-SURE), Institute of Research and Community Service, Jenderal Soedirman University will organize The 3rd International Conference on Life and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Rural Development (ICLAS-SURE) .

    One effort made by Jenderal Soedirman University to support its development is by achieving the organizational vision set for 2034. The vision of Jenderal Soedirman University is Globally recognized university in the sustainable rural development and local wisdoms .

    To achieve this vision, Institute of Research and Community Service, Jenderal Soedirman University will organize The 3rd International Conference Life and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Rural Development (ICLAS-SURE). The theme of this conference is Interdisciplinary approaches and applied technologies for sustainable rural-environmental resources based on local wisdoms before and during COVID-19 pandemic .

    COVID-19 has led to significant loss of output, employment, and income which also affect the rural development. Agenda 2030 relies on 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets supported by the United Nations as a global effort to manage current challenges related to poverty, climate, environmental pollution, geographical inequalities, prosperity, peace, and justice. Agenda 2030 and SDGs aim to eradicate extreme poverty, famine, open defecation, and other critical issues in developing countries associated with lack of public utilities, mainly in rural areas, and to reduce the huge gaps between countries and regions. To achieve all range of SGDs across the globe, proper attention must be paid to rural development perspectives such as quality of life improvement, sustainable agriculture, rural resilience, and circular economy and reduced inequalities. Sustainable rural development involves a holistic approach where daily basic needs of rural populations must be covered by reliable public utilities combined with technical, socioeconomic, and environmental conditions to support regional economies and urban-rural linkages.

    Important Dates

    • Abstract / Full paper Submission and Registration deadline : September 30, 2020
    • Abstract / Full paper Acceptance Announcement : October 7, 2020
    • Early bird payment deadline : October 15, 2020
    • Late payment deadline : November 8, 2020
    • Conference day : November 18 - 19, 2020

    Batch 2

    • Abstract / Full paper Submission and Registration deadline : October 20, 2020
    • Abstract / Full paper Acceptance Announcement : October 27, 2020

    *Due to several requests from the participants, we are pleased to announce that the full paper submission deadline has been extended to October 20th, 2020

    Previous Events Highlights

    ICLAS-SURE 2018

    ICLAS-SURE 2019

  • ICMA2019

    November 19, 2019 – November 20, 2019

    The purposes of the conference are:

    • to provide a forum for scientific discussion, professional networking, research collaboration, education, and dissemination of scientific research, innovation and industrial products.
    • to increase the quality of research and development in the multidisciplinary approach for sustainable rural development.
    • to encourage the local and regional young scientists to attend and present their works at the international level.

    Schedule : 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Rural Development (ICMA-SURE)

    • Abstract Submission and Registration Ends : September 30, 2019
    • Abstract acceptance announcement : October 7, 2019
    • Early bird payment ends : October 15, 2019
    • Late payment ends : November 8, 2019
    • Full paper submission ends : November 8, 2019
    • Conference day : November 19-20, 2019

    Program Book can be download here:

3rd KRIPIK-SCiFiMaS 2019

In the 2015, the Indonesian government announced the much-awaited vision, namely “Global Maritime Axis” that assign fisheries and marine affairs sector as the main pillar of national economic development. Indonesian marine and fisheries development adopted the concept of sustainable development paradigm “Blue Economy” (Pauli, 2010). Such a concept is the latest version of the green economy which is not only preserving and protecting ecosystems for sustainable use, but also puts the ecosystem as a subject and a model in the use of the ecosystem it self, by focusing on community involvement (social inclusiveness), creativity and innovation that can manage products and services in an efficient manner.

To support the policy, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University in collaboration with the Center for Maritime Biosciences Studies organize the “3rd KRIPIK-SCiFiMaS 2019” with the theme “Sustainability of Aquatic Resources and Environment for Better Future” which scheduled on 29-30 July 2019 at Java Heritage Hotel Purwokerto, Indonesia. The conference is supported by the Inter-university Consortium of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Marine Sciences (CFAMS), ASEAN Fisheries Education Network (ASEAN-FEN), and Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti). To reinforce the Indonesian branding, we call this international conference “KRIPIK-SCiFiMaS”, which comes from the SCiFiMaS (Scientific Communication in Fisheries and Marine Science) tranlation in Bahasa Indonesia (KRIPIK: Komunikasi Riset Ilmiah Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan). The 1st and 2nd of KRIPIK-SCiFiMaS have been successfully held in 2016 and 2018.

An official ceremony of the 3rd KRIPIK-SCiFiMaS 2019 will be hopefully opened by DR. Muhammad Yusuf Kalla, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (to be confirmed). Several experts from CFAMS, ASEAN-FEN, Australia, South Korea, China, America, France, Germany, USA and Indonesia will share regarding the development of science and knowledge in the field of fisheries and marine science both as guest or expert speaker. It is estimated that more than 300 participants (student, researcher, academia and stakeholders) from ASEAN and other countries will participate in the conference.

  • KRIPIK-SCiFiMaS 2019

    November 13, 2019 – November 14, 2019

    In the 2015, the Indonesian government announced the much-awaited vision, namely “maritime-axis doctrine” that puts fisheries, marine affairs and the fisheries sectoras the main pillarof national economic development. Indonesian marine and fisheries development that adopted the concept of sustainable development paradigm“Blue Economy”(Pauli, 2010).Such a concept is the latest version of the green economy which is not only preserving and protecting ecosystems for sustainable use, the blue economy also puts the ecosystem as a subject and a model in the use of the ecosystem it self by focusing on community involvement (social inclusiveness), creativity and innovation that can manage products and services in an efficient manner.

    Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sains and Center for Maritime Biosciences Studies  Jenderal Soedirman University tried to support the Indonesia as Poros Maritim through share knowledge, information and research with international conference (Scifimas).  To reinforce the Indonesian branding,we call this international conference “KRIPIK-SciFiMaS”,which comes from the SciFiMaS tranlation in bahasa Indonesia (KRIPIK :Komunikasi Riset Ilmiah Perikanandan Ilmu Kelautan). The fisrt scientific Communication on Fisheries and Marine Science" (SCiFiMaS) was done in 2016 and the 2nd Scifimas in 2018. The 2nd Scifimas had theme was Global Partnership for Sustainibility of Aquatic Biodiversity and Environment. And the 3rd Scifimas has theme  Sustainability aquatic resources and environment for better lifewill do in 29 – 30 July 2019 in Purwokerto.

    The 3rd Scifimas 2019 has planning to invite Jusuf Kala (Vice President of Indonesia) (tobe confirmed) as keynote speaker and invited expert, private sector  and researcher from Asean fen, Australia, South Korea, China, America, France, Germany and Indonesia. The 3rd Scifimas 2019 has desire to get many information, data, knowledge and others to support BlueEconomy Paradigm. The 3rd Scifimas 2019 has subject of discussion that are aquaculture until marine technology. The 3rd Scifimas 2019  hopes that the attendees can exceed 300 participants (spread from Indonesia, America, Asean Fen, South Korea, Australia and Germany). The 3rd Scifimas 2019 invited guests from various organizations/institutions with diverse backgrounds both from government, businesses, communities and academia will be able to attend inthe 3rd Scifimas 2019 will be done in Jenderal Soedirman University.  The 3rd Scifimas 2019  is an international conference has purpose to facilitate the meeting among Asean Fen, perkumpulan Dekan Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan se Indonesia, university in Indonesaia, South Korea, Japan, Australia and Germany


Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian 2021 Memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0, berbagai aktivitas sosial, pendidikan, ekonomi dan lainnya selalu dikaitkan dengan penggunaan teknologi yang terintegrasi dengan jaringan internet. Kondisi ini membuat banyak sektor seperti sektor bisnis, pendidikan, dan administrasi mulai berevolusi. Lalu bagaimana dengan sektor pertanian di era revolusi 4.0? Konsep pengembangan pertanian yang banyak dikembangkan di negara maju saat ini adalah konsep pertanian cerdas, yang biasa juga disebut smart farming atau precision agriculture. Tujuan utama penerapan terknologi tersebut adalah untuk melakukan optimasi berupa peningkatan hasil (kualitas dan kuantitas) dan efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya yang ada. Di Indonesia sendiri, revolusi industri 4.0, terutama di sektor pertanian belum begitu berhasil berkembang. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa factor (LINE Jobs, 2019):

1) petani Indonesia mayoritas berusia lebih dari 40 tahun dan lebih dari 70 persen petani berpendidikan rendah.

2) kepemilikan lahan pertanian para petani di Indonesia rata-rata di bawah 0.3 hektar.

3) dan teknologi baru belum sepenuhnya dapat diterima masyarakat.



    November 30, 2021 – December 2, 2021

    November 24, 2021 – November 25, 2021

Soedirman's Internasional Conference On Mathematics and Applied Sciences (SICoMAS)

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Jenderal Soedirman University is pleased to present Soedirman’s International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Sciences (SICoMAS) 2019 . The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, lecturers, teachers, students, practitioners, and industrial professionals from around the world to share knowledge, exchange idea, collaborate, and present research results in the field of  mathematics, physics, chemistry, and applied sciences. By taking issue “Innovation in Mathematics and Applied Sciences for Better Future”, the conference will be held from  October 23 to 24, 2019 at Java Heritage Hotel, Purwokerto, Indonesia.

  • SICoMAS2019

    October 23, 2019 – October 24, 2019

    Welcome to Soedirman’s International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Sciences (SICoMAS) 2019
    Java Heritage Hotel Purwokerto
    October 23rd - 24th, 2019

    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Jenderal Soedirman University is pleased to present Soedirman’s International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Sciences (SICoMAS) 2019. The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, lecturers, teachers, students, practitioners, and industrial professionals from around the world to share knowledge, exchange idea, collaborate, and present research results in the fields of  mathematics, physics, chemistry, and their applications. By taking issue “Innovation in Mathematics and Applied Sciences for Better Future”, the conference will be held from  October 23rd to 24th, 2019 at Java Heritage Hotel, Purwokerto, Indonesia.

    It is our great pleasure to invite you to present your recent results through oral presentation or poster presentation in SICoMAS 2019. Selected papers will be published on Jurnal Molekul (indexed scopus and accredited in S1) or  an indexed proceeding.

    We are looking forward to see you in Purwokerto.

    SICoMAS's Scopes:
    Geometry, Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Combinatorics and Mathematical Computation.
    Energy, Theoretical Physics, Material Sciences, Geophysics, Nuclear Physics, Instrumentation Physics, Medical Physics, Computational Physics, Environmental Physics, Physics Education.
    Physical Chemistry and Innovative Chemistry Education.
    Due Dates
    August 31st
    Deadline for abstract submission
    September 15th
    Notification of abstract acceptance
    September 30th
    Deadline for full paper submission
    October 7th
    Deadline registration with payment
    October 23rd - 24th, 2019
    Java Heritage Hotel Purwokerto
    Jl. dr. Angka 71, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. 53115

    For More Information Contact:

    Idha Sihwaningrum

    Email :

    Phone Number/WhatsApp :

    +62 812-2759-820

International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches (ICETIR)

International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches


“Sustainable Engineering and Technology for Reshaping Our Community”

October 12th, 2022 – Purwokerto, Indonesia

This Conference is Organized by Engineering Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia. The conference would offer a large number of invited lectures from renowned speakers all over the country. All accepted paper will be published in the Journal of Physics Conference Series (Scopus Indexed). Best paper awards will be given for the papers judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

  • ICETIR 2022

    December 30, 2022 – December 31, 2022

    The 4th ICETIR 2022

    International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches

    "Sustainable Engineering and Technology for Reshaping Our Community"
    October 12th, 2022 - Purwokerto, Indonesia
    Online Zoom

    Main Organizer :

    Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

    Co-Organizers :

    Faculty of Engineering, UNY Yogyakarta

    Faculty of Engineering, UNEJ Jember

    Faculty of Mineral Technology, AKPRIND Yogyakarta

    Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering UTHM, Malaysia

    scatter birukucing oren hackidnslotslot hokiturbox500bri4drobopragmaturbox1000scatter birucasino online

    National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan

  • ICETIR 2021

    September 1, 2021 – September 2, 2021

    The 3rd ICETIR 2021

    International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches

    "Sustainable Engineering and Technology for Reshaping Our Community"
    September 1st, 2021 - Purwokerto, Indonesia
    Online Zoom
    Main Organizer :

    Faculty of Engineering


    Faculty of Engineering, UGM
    Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
    Faculty of Marine Technology, ITS
    Faculty of Engineering, UNS
    Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mataram
    Faculty of Military Engineering, Universitas Pertahanan RI
    Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mulawarman
    Faculty of Telecommunication and Electrical Engineering, ITT Purwokerto
    Faculty of Informatics, ITT Purwokerto
    Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
    Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Palangkaraya
    Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Jember
    Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Hasanudin
    College of Engineering Technology Can Tho University, Vietnam

    National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taiwan
    Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering UTHM, Malaysia

    Keynote Speakers

    Important Dates

    May 10, 2021 – Call for Papers

    Batch 1 (before June 30, 2021)

    June 23, 2021 – Deadline for Paper Submission

    June 30, 2021 – Notification of Acceptance
    July 3, 2021 – Early Bird Registration Deadline

    Batch 2 (June 30 – August 6, 2021)

    July 18, 2021 – Deadline for Paper Submission
    July 30, 2021 – Notification of Acceptance
    August 6, 2021 – Registration Deadline

    Extend Batch 2
    July 31, 2021 – Deadline for Paper Submission
    August 15, 2021 – Notification of Acceptance
    August 22, 2021 – Registration Deadline

    Sponsored By

    Sumingah Whats-App-Image-2021-08-21-at-12-37-23

    If you have any problems or questions, please contact us via e-mail at:

  • ICETIR 2020

    September 2, 2020 – September 3, 2020

    Welcome to ICETIR - 2020

    2020 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches (ICETIR-2020) will be held in Purwokerto, Indonesia during 2nd - 3rd September, 2020. The Conference will be organized by Engineering Faculty Universitas Jenderal Soedirman and The Conference title is Sustainable Engineering and Technology for Reshaping our Community.

    Since the first industrial revolution, human civilization is very dependant on engineering and technology as a tool to improve their live conditions. On the other side, a rapid increment in the human population has been responsible for the uncontrolled utilization of our environment. As a compromise, people have coined the term of sustainable engineering and technology namely all kinds of engineering and technologies constructed based on environmentally friendly consideration.

    The ICETIR aims to explore recent development in the sustainable engineering and technology field across national and international scientific communities. We try to provide engineers, scientists, industries, and the government with an appropriate event to share and to discuss their ideas and works in the field.

    Important Dates

    Batch 1
    June 10, 2020 Deadline For Paper Submission
    June 21, 2020 Notification of Acceptance
    June 29, 2020 Early Bid Registration Deadline
    Batch 2
    July 7, 2020 Deadline For Paper Submission
    July 26, 2020 Notification of Acceptance
    extend until
    July 14, 2020 Deadline For Paper Submission

    Previous Events Highlights

    The 1st International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovative Researches 2019 (ICETIR 2019) is organized by Faculty of Engineering, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia. It is held on September 18th -19th, 2019 in Purwokerto City, Indonesia. Five distinguished scholars will start the session as keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Hsuan-Teh Hu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), Prof. Dr. Toshihiko Noguchi (Shizuoka University, Japan), Associate Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zuri bin Sha’ameri (University Technology Malaysia), Dr. Albert Causo (National Technological University, Singapore), and Associate Prof. Dr. Eng. Retno Supriyanti (Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia).

  • ICETIR 2019

    September 18, 2019 – September 19, 2019



    "Sustainable Engineering and Technology for Reshaping our Community towards Industrial Revolution 4.0"

    ICETIR –International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches will be held on September 18th-19th, 2019 at Purwokerto, Central Java Indonesia. ICETIR aims to communicate the results of research in the field of engineering to jointly contribute to society through innovative research.
    This Conference is Organized by Engineering Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia. The conference would offer a large number of invited lectures from renowned speakers all over the country. All accepted paper will be published in the Journal of Physics Conference Series (Scopus Indexed). Best paper awards will be given for the papers judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

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Copyright © 2019 KRIPIK-SCiFiMaS 2019
Faculty of Fisherie and Marine Sciences - Jenderal Soedirman University